11 months ago
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Tony's Ultimate Collection Turmeric Face Mask helps reduce acne and any resulting scars. The anti-inflammatory qualities can target your pores and calm the skin. Turmeric is also known to reduce scarring. This combination of uses may help your face clear up from acne breakouts. It's high in antioxidants and slows down cell damage; making it perfect for reducing skin inflammation and evening out your skin tone. It also helps with acne, psoriasis and eczema. How to use: 1. Wash your face with water and a gentle cleanser before applying the mask. 2. Then you should leave the mask on for 10 to 30 minutes. 3. After which then you splash cold water on your face after removing the mask to close your pores, and that's how you use it. Only $1250 for 2oz Jar, $2500 for 4oz Jar and $5000 for 8oz Jar. Order Now.
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Tony's Ultimate Collection
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Tonys Ultimate Collection
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