5 years ago
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Essential oils have many therapeutic benefits. Some of these benefits are believed to derive from the aroma itself (olfactory); others are believed to be effected by means of contact with the skin (topical). Soaps in particular are a perfect pairing to essential oils because we depend on them for both olfactory and topical applications. Essential oils were once classified by a Frenchman by the name of G.W. Septimus Piesse in the early 1900’s. He even went so far as to categorize essential oils based on a musical scale system of top note, middle note, and base note. Top notes are fleeting. This is the first rush of scent. Middle notes take a bit longer to recognize, but they provide body to a scent blend. Base notes are slow to evaporate, long lasting, and act as a fixative in the blend. They are typically rich, heavy scents.

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ERROL Palmer
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