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Date Sold: 11 months ago
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15X9. 85K
14X 9 $50
13X9. $40K
12X9 $35K
10x9. 25k
4X9 $10
This is for each piece.
I can also sell all pieces together at a discounted price. In total I have:
Eight 15X9. 85K $680
Four 14X 9 $50 $200k
Two 13X9. $40K $80
Four 12X9 $35K $140
Eight 10x9. 25k $200
Four. 4X9 $10 $40
Total $1,340,000
If you wanted everything, I could give you everything for $850K. You could make at least two 40ft containers out of everything and still have material left over.