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Date Sold: 7 months ago
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All accounts are created on the day of purchase, to complete 12 months, and we test each account carefully before sending it so there is no error.
Works worldwide for 1 year.
100% legitimate and special ! Do not crack or break account.
100% personal, not shared. It means you are the sole owner of it.
HD and Ultra, HD Top quality sound
Screens- You can watch them at the same time ( depend on your package purchase)
You can watch Hulu on any of these devices: Smart TV, Blu-ray Player, phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, Xbox, TV, play station, Wii, Roku. Movies and TV shows are unlimited
In case of problems, we are here to support you. What's or Call us at 8768310095.
NB: You will get a SHARED account in some instances, you won't be able to change anything related to billing info,plan,E mail or password to avoid any issue may happen to the account. This depend of our availability but you will be notify before purchase and get this kind of purchase at a cheaper rate.
If you purchase a shared premium account:
1. Please don't change anything after purchase, just buy and use.
2. You are allowed to use this account on one device at a time. Don't try to use it on multiple device at the same time
We respond almost immediately so if you encounter any challenge while using the
account, we will rectify it immediately or give a refund. Conditions applies.