Have a broken Laptop Hinge? Repair it for only $3500!
By: Computer Outlet
Do you plan to build or extend your property? Get a cheap plan done now!
By: Douglas Architecture & Building Plans
Are you selling or seeking a property to buy? We have buyers and sellers ready to do business
By: Shermaine Cunningham
1) Property Law, Land Law and Real Estate Law ( Carriage for sale Land, Commercial Leases and Tenancy agreements, etc.)
2) Criminal Law ( Prepare Case files for Bail Applications)
3) Contract Draftings and Agreements. We esure that all the contracts and agreements are legal, valid and are enforceable.
4) Intellectual Property Law
5) Patent and Copy Rights Law
6) Business Registration and Company formations. We ensure that all the necessary documentations are file on time and with the relivant government
7) Drafting of legal Documents
8) Drafting Letters for Claimants and Legal Correspondence
9) Legal Research ( We do full statements, reports and case analysis)
10) Adults and Children Passport renewals. We handle all the necessary documentation from the inception to completion.
We do small groups between Two and Six online
Expert with expertise that you can rely on. Call the Leachman Consultancy Today